Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another One of those New Year Blogs

So one of the things that the new year made me realize is that

a) holy fuck I'm really old
c) I'm a REALLY badass cook

In accordance with point c) I've decided to start one of those food blogs...with a twist! You see, between all the sexual experimentation and the substance abuse that we so love to do in college, there is also one more aspect that being away from our homes allows us to do: gastronomic exploration!

Berkeley is the perfect place to get this kind of experience, with all its varied restaurants and questionable cooking practices. Most importantly, however, the head-scratchingly expensive rent on our dinged up abodes often leaves us asking things like "I have canned corn, half a tub of yogurt, pork chops, an empty stomach and 5 hours to finish this paper. Holy fuck what do I do". It is this feeling of "well shit, if that's what I gotta throw in the pan, then that's what's going in it" that I seek to capture in this blog. Let's make things a little more specific:

Every week I'll post up something I made on the fly, sort of like Iron Chef, but less classy, and will probably involve more bone-headed decisions. The rules are:

1. Recipes may only be consulted for ingredients. Recipes consulted must be posted at the bottom of each post. No more than two may be consulted

2. ALL of the ingredients used can only be determined AT THE TIME OF COOKING. That is, I can only use the ingredients I find when I look around the kitchen when I decide to cook. We're doing this shit live.

3. All recipes must take less than 45 minutes to cook/prepare. Like really, what college student has the time to do more than that.

4. Posts are to be done in recipe form

5. No recipes may be repeated.

6. It does not have to be a meal.

Now, I'll also be posting up recipes I've tried and food I've eaten, but the main posts are gonna revolve around this. Ready? Here we go

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